
  • 3 H1N1 cases found with potentially significant mutation * Two cases found among first fatalities in Norway
  • Says disease's mutation could cause more serious illness
  • WHO says mutated virus sensitive to antivirals, vaccines

OSLO, Nov 20 (Reuters) - Norwegian health authorities said on Friday they have discovered a potentially significant mutation in the H1N1 influenza strain that could be responsible for causing the severest symptoms among those infected.

"The mutation could be affecting the virus' ability to go deeper into the respiratory system, thus causing more serious illness," the Norwegian Institute of Public Health said in a statement.

結婚式にバタバタしてる間、こんな重要なニュースが流れてたんですか・・・ 新型インフルの変異型と思われる症例がノルウェーで3人報告され、うち2人は死亡とのことです。これって日本で報道されてるんでしょうか。10日以上経ってるのに続報を見かけないのは、誤報だったから?