peer review の終わりの始まり

All of this puts immense pressure on the grant-review panels. Senior reviewers say that when the top one-third of proposals can be funded, the review process works well at identifying the best science. But when the success rate drops, they see the process start to fall apart. Conversations turn nit-picky and negative, with reviewers looking for any excuse not to fund a project, rather than focusing on its merits. Reviewers say that they feel forced into making impossible choices between equally worthy proposals, especially when success rates are less than 20%. 
読んでて胃が痛くなる記事でした。経済状況が悪くなるにつれ、寄付などの財源が減少する反面、応募数は増加。その結果、グラントのpeer review 審査の過程が破綻しかかっているそうです。重箱の隅をつつくような細かい点を洗い出すようになると・・・審査員もシンドイでしょうに、 American Cancer Societyのレビュアの報酬は4年間で$250ぽっちだとか。