マウスゲノム m32


Analysis of the M32 vs M30 assembly shows that in our opinion, a number of chromosomes suffered from inappropiate mapping information leading to the generation of artifical duplications (often represented as small "random" fragments) and some inappropiate local orientation flips. The chromosomes effected were 5,7,15,18 and 19. Other chromosomes show the expected overall improvement from the addition of finished sequence and better mapping. However even on these problem chromosomes, not all differences in mapping or orientation are errors; some changes between 30 and 32 are clearly correct. In addition of course (as with any draft genome) there will be a small number of errors on all the chromosomes.
おいおい、これじゃm32は使えないじゃないか。は〜。一ヶ月の作業が無駄になってしまった。これは自分のミスで、もっと早くに気付くべきだとは判っていますが、しかしこの虚しさとやるせなさは消えそうもありません。お星様の ばか。