
DNAの分子構造の発見で1962年にノーベル生理学・医学賞を受賞していたジェームズ・ ワトソン博士は25日、英サンデー・タイムズ紙に掲載された自身による人種差別発 言の責任を取り、これまで40年近くに渡って勤めてきた米コールド・スプリング・ハーバー研究所(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)を引退することを発表した。(中略)

プレスリリース→CSHL - Watson Retires

In a brief interview, Bruce Stillman, the president of the laboratory, insisted that Dr. Watson’s decision to step down was his own. Last week, the board had relieved him of administrative responsibilities as chancellor, a position in which he was concerned mostly with education efforts and fund-raising....
But a spokesman for the laboratory said yesterday that while Dr. Watson would keep an office at the laboratory and would live there “in a house he built on land the laboratory owns,” he would no longer have a job there.